Sunday, September 23, 2018

Sea of Dreams for Baby #3

No, not my baby #3 - hee hee. Three of my nieces and nephews each had a baby in the last few months. I can't believe it - three more grandchildren for my sister. I'm so happy for her and her growing family. I was so lucky to have just met this baby a few weeks ago. The mom flew in with the baby from New Jersey for the day. The resourcefulness! I don't think I would have just hopped on a plane for the day with a four month old. I was lucky to get out of the house to go grocery shopping. Let's be honest - I don't even think I was getting dressed, in real clothes when my first was that young. I give her a lot of credit. She looks so beautiful and the baby is just adorable. Those cheeks!!

I am using an Aimee Alexander pattern again. I just love her designs. When I found her site, there was so much to choose from but I chose these three for these babies. I used Moving Mountains and Milestones for the boy blankets. I saved Sea of Dreams for the girl.  You can check out my other blog posts on the other two blankets I made. Both were for boys. Now it's the girl's turn. You can follow my progress on Ravelry -

Knit Picks Shine Sport in Blush
I have also stayed with my favourite yarn for baby blankets - Knit Picks Shine Sport in Blush (6555).
As I have said I love the way this yarn feels, shows stitch definition, has a beautiful sheen and drapes beautifully. It washes really well and is durable. So important because I want the blankets I make to be used. I want them to be spit up on, chewed, dragged and then be thrown into the wash machine for the next spit up. 

This pattern is quite challenging. It is 44 rows pattern repeat and too complicated for me to memorize or get any sort of momentum. I have to pay attention when knitting this one! It has a beautiful picot edge which I love. It is these details that will make it stand out.

Stand by for the finished product!

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