Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Review: Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror Mirror, Mirror by Jen Calonita
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Many thanks to NetGalley, Disney Book Group and Jen Calonita for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are 100% my own and independent of receiving an advance copy.

If you know the story of Snow White, then you know what to expect in this retell of the fairy tale, There are a few tweaks to the original Disney tale that some are calling a modern twist, but it didn’t go far enough for me. I know I am in the minority as most people loved the book. I expected more. If you are calling this series “A Twisted Tale” then I want some real twists. If not twists, then explore the characters so that they have depth and range. There are so many ways this could have gone, but it really is almost exactly like the original.

I found the character of Snow White to be as bland as every other version where she is sunshine personified, never has a bad thought, birds flock to her and is so sickly sweet, I can’t stand it. Really!!! We are still dealing with this trope? You are left alone, not allowed to speak to anyone for years and nothing?? The Evil Queen is still evil, but why? This was a missed opportunity. There is some background that sort of explains her path to the castle but I felt it could have gone much further into the psyche of why she became The Evil Queen. Having the prince bite the apple wasn’t enough of a twist for because it came right at the end and it didn’t reshape the story in any way. The prince was still charming and rescued Snow and Snow was still Snow.

I did read that someone said this was for middle grade children. I went in thinking this was a YA novel. Maybe I expected too much. This is also a Disney novel and this story does mostly follow the movie version of the fairy tale. I’m not sure how much Disney is going to flip it on its head. Still, I had hoped for more.

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