Sunday, April 14, 2019

Review: The Astral Traveler's Daughter

The Astral Traveler's Daughter The Astral Traveler's Daughter by K.C. Archer
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Many thanks to NetGalley, Simon & Schuster and K.C. Archer for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are 100% my own and independent of receiving an advance copy.

This sequel picks up right where the first book left off. Teddy and her friends are beginning their second year at the Whitfield Institute for psychics. This year they are learning how to use their unique abilities to intuit events from an inanimate object. Teddy was secretly given her mother’s necklace from Yates, whom she doesn’t trust. In Teddy’s private lessons, Clint has been teaching her to astral plane which allows her to leave her body and observe things that have happened in the past. Teddy is still plagued by not knowing whether or not her mother set off a bomb in New York City many years ago. She just can’t believe that her mother was a willing participant in the vigilante group the Patriot Corps. Her best friend Jillian has fallen in love with a cargo-shorts wearing boy who Teddy can’t stand. Jillian has been taking all kinds of risks for her new boyfriend and his animal rights activism. Things have been heating up between Teddy and Pyro and not just because he controls fire! She has been put on special assignment to protect Miles Whitfield, the grandson of Hollis Whitfield. While astral planing she discovers that Whitfield has been developing a drug to control psychics. Is the school just a front? Who, from the school is involved? What move will the Patriot Corps try next? How is this related to her mother and Sector 3? Teddy is hiding way too many secrets from everyone and if she isn’t careful, she will be putting everything on the line to get the answers she needs.

First off, I think that if you haven’t read the first one in this series, you might have a hard time with this one. I read the first one a while ago and even I had a hard time getting into it, because I couldn’t remember all the details from the first book. There are a number of different stories going on this time around, but Archer does a great job of connecting them all together. I never felt lost or overwhelmed. Nick is out of the picture and there is a small romance with Pyro, but I thought that more could have been done with that storyline. Okay, I need the romance. It keeps things spicy! The friend group is really fractured this time, so I didn’t feel the camaraderie the same way as in the first book. That detracted a bit for me. I really like all the psychic stuff and what they were learning in school. Less time could have been spent on their summer and more focus on the school would have made it more interesting for me. I wasn’t ready to give that part up just yet. I really liked the addition of the new character Miles and that storyline. I’m not sure how much character development happened in this book, compared to the first.

I loved the first book. I really liked the second book. Looking forward to seeing what happens in the next one in the series!

View all my reviews

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