Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Review: You Are Not Your Thoughts: The Secret Magic of Mindfulness

You Are Not Your Thoughts: The Secret Magic of Mindfulness You Are Not Your Thoughts: The Secret Magic of Mindfulness by Frances Trussell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Many thanks to NetGalley, Frances Trussell and John Hunt Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are 100% my own and independent of receiving an advanced copy.

You are not your thoughts - what a concept. If I could do that, I’d be a happier little lamb! That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t aspire to higher thinking. Now I know, I know, this is not a new concept but it bears worth repeating, or reading, over and over again. I seriously dove into the mindfulness/meditation world around 6 years ago and have read, studied and practiced a ton. So, I was looking forward to reading a new voice. Frances Trussell is based out of London and is a mindfulness, meditation teacher among other things. She has a meditation podcast called The Mindfully Happy podcast and this is her first book. It is small - just over 100 pages. I have to say that everything she discusses is right on the money. She offers many gems, or words of wisdom. The first third of the book she talks about mindfulness with the last two thirds focusing on meditation.

This isn’t a trite book and it doesn’t come off all buzz wordy. She knows her stuff and brings up many important issues that can help us lead a better life. Her main topic is trying to quiet the voice in our head. You know, the one that talks to us all day long, reading from a script that was written a long time ago, that criticizes and beats us down. That voice stops us from being our true self. When it is talking we are either living in the past, or worrying about the future. The amazing thing is no one else knows what that voice is saying or believes it to be true. Only us! We probably won’t be able to totally get rid of it but if we can at least be aware and keep it quiet, all kinds of wonderful things open up to us. With awareness comes space that will allow us to be more true to ourselves. One of the ways of creating space is meditation. Trussell takes you through from a beginning meditation to more advanced ones, explaining the how to and the goal of each one so you can progress accordingly. She also provides links to her website and podcast so you can use these additional sources.

I think the meditation part she did better than the mindfulness. You can’t just throw out a whole but of platitudes and expect people to understand how to go about this very hard work. I would have rathered she focus on one thing with mindfulness and then go on to the meditation part. Like I said, everything she writes is true and important but without guidance I think most people will be lost. Certainly, if you are new to this, I don’t think this will offer any chance at lasting change, or even start you on the road properly. And I have a huge problem with that. I think it is irresponsible to sort of drop all of this stuff out there and not back it up. That’s how mindfulness gets all twisted up and distorted and people don’t really understand what to do with it. I don’t think that if even offers inspiration that will motivate newcomers to go off and learn more. Because I better understand what she is saying, I could nod and agree with it as I read along, but it didn’t help move me along in my practice either. So not for beginners, not for experienced. One thing she does say, which bears repeating, is that there is no wrong and trying is doing. Just by the act of thinking about your inner voice can make a shift. I would encourage anyone to explore this idea of “you are not your thoughts” because all it can do is add to your life in a positive way. She does a much better job with explaining the meditation. Probably because she teaches it, she is better able to break it down. For that alone, the book is worth it.

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