Saturday, March 31, 2018

Review: School for Psychics

School for Psychics School for Psychics by K.C. Archer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Meet Teddy, a young girl from Las Vegas who has a knack for reading people at the poker tables. We learn that she is down on her luck, living out of her parent’s garage, having recently been kick out of Stanford. Her adopted parents hope that she will get her life together, but that’s not very likely since we meet her, sneaking into a casino having stolen all of her parent’s savings and hoping to make it big at the poker tables. She is in disguise because she has been banned from every casino for what they believe is cheating although they can’t prove it. She just has a knack for knowing when people are lying. It is something she has always had sixth sense. It hasn’t encouraged her to have a lot of trust for her fellow man keeping her at arm’s length from every relationship. Teddy needs to win big because she owes money to a Russian mobster.

Well, she gets taken for all of her cash at the poker table and just before she gets found out by the mob help comes in the form of a huge linebacker of a man named Clint. Through mind control he whisks her out of the casino and offers her a way out. It turns out that he believes Teddy has psychic ability and that is why she can read people so well at the card table. He invites her to attend a special school that develops psychic ability in order to help different law enforcement agencies. To turn her life around, get out of the trouble she is in and be able to develop her abilities to do good in the world is what make Teddy agree to enrol. The story continues as she completes her first year, but not without a mystery to solve including the secret of her past, and learning lots about herself and allowing friends to make the difference in her new world.

I loved this book! I couldn’t wait to keep reading each chapter to see what was going to happen next. I found the characters were well developed, three dimensional and you were invested in what was going to happen to them. The whole psychic angle was so much fun, especially as you got to learn of all the different kinds of psychic abilities. I’m just saying - I wouldn’t mind some heat - am I right ladies! Don’t worry - all PG. The mystery was exciting and since Teddy is adopted, secrets from her past including who her parents are become of interest. Since psychics can’t “read” other psychics, Teddy never knows fully who she can trust and who is on her side.

This is billed as book 1 so I hoping this is one of a multiple book series. Teddy has completed one year of her program so I’m guessing there could be a book each year of her school. I can’t wait until the next book will be released.

View all my reviews

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