Wednesday, May 29, 2019


I just wanted to say a big thank you to anyone who visited this blog. I didn't do anything too fancy with this blog. I had always intended for it to be more than what it was. But whatever it was, served its function. It allowed me to get started, practice using my voice and given me the confidence to forge ahead in a new direction. 

You can now find me at This will be my second act. I'm hoping there will be a third and fourth - just like in my real life. It will be more of what I had wanted for this one. I will talk about my cancer experience and what I have learned and am still learning from it all. It will incorporate my knitting - which also had an Act I as Pattyknits. And, of course, I will still talk about my books. I am so happy to look back and see what I have been able to accomplish. First, I am just so happy to be able to read again. Second, so grateful that it has propelled me to continue on in another capacity.

So, don't be shy. Come over and check me out on my new site at Don't forget to leave a comment and let me know you arrived!

Pattyknits - Girlsound - Pink Purl and Prose
aka Patty💕

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