Thursday, March 21, 2019

Review: The Dysasters

The Dysasters The Dysasters by P.C. Cast
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Many thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press and P.C. and Kristin Cast for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are 100% my own and independent of receiving an advance copy.

Guys, I really wanted to like this one. It checked a lot of my boxes. Kids with cool powers - check, mad scientist mutates DNA - check, secret island slash training facility - check, a little romance action - check, written by an author whose other works I like - check, was in the mood and looking forward to reading it - check, check, check. Not what I was hoping for. I found the premise played out, the characters cardboard cut-outs and nothing about the action interesting enough to keep me hooked. It was easy to read and although I never had the urge to give up, or not finish, I just plodded along, hoping it would get better, then realizing yeah, that wasn’t gonna happen, and like a kid on a long car ride I kept asking “are we there yet” waiting to arrive at the destination. Look, I don’t mind familiar, or done before as long as the how-you-get-there is interesting.

Foster and Tate are on the run and trying to stay one step ahead of Foster’s father and his four minions. Foster’s adoptive mother has spent the last year and a half teaching Foster how to stay off the grid and before her tragic death made Foster promise to protect Tate, find the safe house and locate six other teenagers who are also in danger. It turns out that Foster and Tate share more than a birthday. They also can control the element air. Each pair of the other teenagers will also come into their powers on their eighteenth birthday and be able to control one of the elements. Foster’s father, who was a brilliant scientist, did some experimenting while they were in-utero and modified their genetic make-up. Now he wants to kidnap the kids, study them on his secret remote island and exploit them for their powers. Can Foster and Tate stay safe? Will they be able to learn how to use their powers without causing weather disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes? Can they find the other kids in time?

This reminded me so much of “I Am Number Four”. There are small differences like Foster, Tate and the other kids are human, but they are all alone in the world, with no one to guide them. They have this power that has always been calling to them that they haven’t yet got under control. They make friends who will help them in their journey. They are on the run and must hide who they are. I found the romance between Foster and Tate inconsistent, unbelievable, uncomfortable and kind of icky. I think I didn’t respond to the writing. I am also tired and just plain angry when the misunderstood, alone in the world, girl has to be written as bitchy until she is understood, or she lets her walls down or whatever other nonsense. What was missing that I Am Number Four had was really evil and violent people chasing them and super cool monsters that got in on the fighting. These thirty year old whiners behaved worse than the children they were chasing and again the writing flip flopped between do we not like them or are we supposed to feel sorry for them. Overall, more danger to create some tensions, more connection or build up for the romance (I mean can they at least like each other before they fall in love) and some sort of super cool effects (if no monsters) would have really upped the ante in this story.

You know when you read a book and then see the movie and the movie is such a disappointment. This is one of those cases where I think the movie might be better than the book. Now, to my knowledge, no one is making the movie. In case anyone cares about my two cents, I think it would make a really good movie, if done well, a really great movie. The book, however, was just a yawn-fest. Am I going to check out the next in the series - you know me too well. But I will only go one more round. There are just too many other really good books out there, waiting for me to discover. But one more in the series, just in case things get interesting.

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