Thursday, January 31, 2019

Review: Coffeehouse Knits: Knitting Patterns and Essays with Robust Flavor

Coffeehouse Knits: Knitting Patterns and Essays with Robust Flavor Coffeehouse Knits: Knitting Patterns and Essays with Robust Flavor by Kerry Bogert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Many thanks to NetGalley, F & W Media, and Kerry Bogert for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are 100% my own and independent of receiving an advance copy.

Coffeehouse knits blends together two of my favourite things - coffee and knitting. Apparently I’m not the only one! Enough knitters love their brews whether it is tea or coffee, so much so, that they have dedicated a whole book to the idea. More often than not when we knit we usually have a hot drink sitting beside us. The meditative quality of knitting lends itself to sipping something while you do it. Another popular activity of late is these “Stitch & Bitch” nights where knitters will meet up, usually at a coffeehouse and spend a few hours with like minded people knitting and sharing. It is a place where you can show off what you are working on, get advice if you are stuck and talk about whatever is going on in your life. It is usually a drop in type group and new members are welcome with open arms.

This book is beautiful. Not only do they have delicious names like “House Blend Cardigan” and “Breakfast Brioche Shawl”, the yarns used are yummy. Some of the patterns designs echo things like the swirl in the foam of of a frothy cappuccino or the speckles pattern that remain in your cup from tea leaves. I am in love with so many of the patterns and find them stylish and wearable. There is a range of difficulty so whether you are a new knitter or an experienced one, you will find enough to keep you interested. There is a small index of special techniques that are explained.

What makes this unique is that interspersed between the patterns are a selection of essays that muse of the experience of knitting. From knitting groups, to spending a night at home curled up the “how” of how we experience knitting is as important as the what of what we are knitting.

I can hardly wait until this book is out, in my hands, and I am knitting on of the patterns.

View all my reviews

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