Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Review: Brave Enough

Brave Enough Brave Enough by Kati Gardner
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My thanks to Netgalley, Flux, and Kati Gardner for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. The opinions are mine and independent of receiving an advanced copy.

So I don’t even know what to say. It has been few days and I thought if I had time to process maybe I would know what to write, but still, I can’t find the words. Giving it a 5 star rating should be enough of a clue because I don’t give those very often. This book hit all the right notes for me. It was truth all wrapped up in every chapter. I took my time reading it because I didn’t want to rush through anything and needed to feel the feelings as I was reading. I was taken completely by surprise. It is a fiction, young adult novel and I wasn’t expecting that much rawness and reality. After I read a book blurb and decide if I am interested in a book I put it on my TBR list. It can be months before I receive it as a giveaway or purchase it, and more months before I might read it. I never go back to the blurb, or read about the author. I just dive in. So to be fair, I didn’t know what I was getting into.

Let me start off by saying that I am a cancer survivor. I am just moving into the phase of calling myself a survivor and it feel weird. I have been sick for the past few years but I am in a good place now. So, I didn’t realize that it was a book about cancer. I am sure when I read the blurb that probably interested me. But it isn’t only about cancer. It is about addiction, young love and other stuff and that is also why it interested me. I have not read much in the way of “cancer” books, fiction or non fiction. I have been “in it” and reading other people’s stories has felt too much for me. Boy, am I glad I read this. I think everyone, adult, young adult, children, should read this book because it talks about the experience in such an accessible way. It lets you look at the anger, the fear, the pain and the good that can come from the cancer “journey (uchh - I hate that word but I just can’t .

I should have known that the author is also a cancer survivor. It is not her exact story but it is everyones story, in a way. There is no real way for someone to write so accurately about the experience unless you’ve walked it. It also is a story about addiction and again, how it doesn’t follow a straight line, how difficult it is, and how sometimes, you just need a miracle.

Briefly, it is a story about a girl named Cason. She is a ballerina. Ballet is her life and she is just about to go professional when the pain in her leg turns out to be cancer. While going through treatment she meets a boy named Davis. He is a cancer survivor who then became a drug addict. Their love story is cute and sweet and not a straight line. When Cason gets her leg amputated she feels like she can’t be with him anymore. I understand because when you lose a body part you don’t feel like yourself. You don’t feel worthy and a relationship can be difficult. Davis has his own problems. His ex-girlfriend just overdosed and he feels responsible. The need to use again is so strong he can’t be there for Cason. Cason has a difficult relationship with her mom, who was her ballet director and drove her very hard. This is a typical storyline of tough mother who breaks down and they become closer than ever because of cancer storyline. I didn’t buy this but knew why it was there. Family relationships are tough and they don’t always survive. The story also focuses on camp for kids going through cancer and what a rewarding experience that can be. It is a unique place that is so important for many reasons and cannot be replicated. Cason does get to go and find out for herself.

Lots of people have challenges that they must overcome in life. I was a musician and am no longer able to play. Losing something that is so much a part of who you are is heartbreaking. But you have to move on and find a new way of living. This book talks about hope and how important it is to have that feeling of hope. It also focuses on being brave enough to take that step towards something, towards a new life.

I have recently decided to change my blog to a new domain named "pink, purls and prose". This will be a place where I will not only talk about books and knitting but also about my cancer experience and what I have learned along the way. Someone I respect a great deal has encouraged me to open up and now seems like the right time for me. It will premiere September 4th. I would love for you to come and check it out and don't forget to say hello.

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